Feb 17, 2012

Secrets for a happy marriage

Marriage worked better in the fifties and sixties than it does today because as women became more educated about their rights and their abilities, they became stronger and more confident and some things in the marriage took a back seat to other things and before you knew it, more and more couples split and soon there was a generation of single parents and the picture changed. Couples can get that picture back if they are prepared to work at it. There is nothing like having a great family; a poppa bear, a momma bear, and a cub. 

The old-fashioned way

This article will have little or nothing to do with sex; how to have it, how to serve it up, how to have more sex and less Monopoly. This is about taking the best of what you have gleaned over the years and applied it to your marriage. Whether you are male or female, both of you can benefit by the following tips. 

·                    If you know that your partner likes tea or coffee first thing in the morning, prepare it and give it to him as he prepares to get up. Your partner will like that you are concerned, and it will give the giver a nice warm feeling.

·                    Do some of the things you did at the beginning of your marriage where you woke up the family and had big fluffy pancakes and waffles ready. Remember a sure way to get to your mate’s heart is through his stomach.

·                    If you are at home and not working outside the home, make sure his shirts are dry cleaned and where they should be; in the closet.

·                     Go to a small cinema for an art house movie and have popcorn and hold hands.

·                    When you are in the garden, call your wife on her cell in the house and ask her out on a date. 

·                    Get an old-fashioned box of chocolate and tell her you were thinking of her and how in the old days you used to sit in the car at the drive-in and kiss.

·                    Go out bowling with the whole family on a Saturday night; the kids will love it.

·                    Winter sports activities are a great North American pastime and you can also enjoy taking the family to a skating rink.

·                    Go to church or mosque or the synagogue with the family; a family that prays together, stays together.

·                    One of the greatest gifts you can give your partner is respect. When you respect, there is love, and when you have love, you have God, and you have everything.

Protecting your children from rapists and predators

Today nowhere is safe for a child to be on his or her own. Predators are not only men who lurk in bushes and strike at night, but individuals who are sometimes family members, teachers, and people in positions of authority. While men are usually the ones who commit crimes against children, there are also women who use children for their sick and depraved needs. 

Trust your instincts  

The first thing you and your children have to know and be reminded of constantly, is that a predator is not necessarily someone who only breaks into your house in the middle of the night and steal your belongings and rape and murder the family, but could also be:

·                    that nice amiable delivery boy who regularly delivers your groceries and have seen your children,

·                    an uncle or grandfather or cousin who is familiar with your children,

·                    a neighbor who always is kind and friendly,

·                    a complete stranger who has now surfaced and spending a lot of time in the open playing with your kids, or 

·                    someone who cuts lawns in the neighborhood and has now knocked on your door to start putting his plan into action.

Whether your children are boys or girls, they should all be talked to and told what to look out for. Most of all, they should trust their instinct. Instill in them the following mantra: 

(a)                that they should not get into anyone’s vehicle, no matter how well they know the person; not even a family member can okay this except for the parents,

(b)               they should NOT go with an uncle or male relative to look for a missing animal, no matter how persuasive the relative is and how much the child trusts him,

(c)                they should immediately report their suspicions to their parents if a male person in authority at school has tried to get them to go with him,

(d)               Do NOT be charmed by any strangers who come to the house and ask you to come with them. Child molestors are liars and con artists. They want to build up a friendship with you so that they can become a regular fixture in the house before they strike.

(e)                Report any strange behavior that a babysitter exhibits. Is she inappropriate and makes you feel uncomfortable?  

(f)                 Listen to your child who may be trying to tell you something,

(g)                Do not send your five-year-old little girl to the nearby shop; children have been abducted right from their own beds,

(h)                Talk to your children all the time and remind them to be careful,

(i)                  Make sure that whoever picks up the kids after school arrives on time and that they should not get into anyone else’s vehicle,

(j)                 Tell your child not to sit on anyone’s lap,

(k)               Let your children hear from your own lips tell grandpa and grandma that no one goes for rides in anyone’s car unless you personally say it is okay,.

(l)                  Don’t accept sweets and gifts from anyone and tell your parents if you are being approached by someone in the family who makes you feel uncomfortable.

(m)              Trust your instincts about people you meet and never spend that quarter in your wallet your mother has given you to make a phone call if you are in danger.