Feb 21, 2013

Advantages of companionship in your sixties

Today age 50 is the new 60. People are living longer, climbing mountains in their fifties and sixties, chasing down boar in Norway, enjoying a good meal with friends or a long walk with an old companion. Companionship is like a warm bowl of soup after a brisk ski on the slopes. Everyone craves warmth and love and would value a friend who understands them and share ideas with – sort of an all-weather buddy who is there for you in sickness, golf and good health. 

Value of companionship
A companion can mean an old friend doing something as simple as just sitting together on the front porch admiring the setting sun, or helping one another in the garden – and can make a huge change in that person’s life.  A companion may not call on the phone every day but shows up for birthdays and funerals and is there for you when it counts. The biggest advantage of companionship, however, is that you have a special person in your life, that you are not alone, and that there will always be someone special who cares for you no matter where you are in the world. One cannot buy companionship; one earns it with love and respect. You can do anything when you have a partner and share things. No task is too great. You have peace and security. Your friend is one who knows your very nature and can defend you.

Good companions
A good companion can read your mind and know what you want before you ask it. Think of Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn, Bogart and Lauren Bacall – and what about those two crackpots in The Honeymooners? Companions come in all sizes, shapes, and age. There is indeed much to admire in good companionship especially when it evokes feelings of love and togetherness.

Are blind dates foolproof?

You can expect one of three things to happen on a blind date. That on the night of the date the guy will check you out from a distance; he likes what he sees and is in the restaurant to greet you, or he takes an immediate dislike to you and says he has to leave early to have supper at his mother’s house. How can you change a perception without having met and talked with the person? Well, for one thing you know that he showed up; he could easily have beaten a track to the subway. Maybe he too is taking precautions, and he has a right to. People play many games.

How honest are you on the date?
Do you go for full disclosure on the first date or do you hang back? An equal exchange of information is the best. If you can handle an inauspicious interview, that is fine as long as you are being honest also. Maybe a first date should just be a quick coffee and introduction.  Give the other person something to think about. Have a space of about three or four days if you want to call the person again. By this time the person would have thought quite a lot about it and would know and be more forthcoming also and ask questions.

What to talk about
In your talking together find out his interest in sports. Guys like to talk about their favourite players and horse around. With one or two words, invite him or her to talk about what gets them going and what makes them tick. On either of these two or three exchanges you will have from home, keep them short and light-hearted. Don’t try to impress. Keep it real. Short exchanges are better in the long run as you can think about it and toss it around; like short bursts of information. Are you ready to take it to the next step and make that first call? If you like the person and want to know more this is a good point to start from.