Apr 24, 2012

The magnificent power of the two brains

Everything about the male brain is size, speed, power and there is no getting away from the fact that women think very differently than men when it comes to intuition and emotional intelligence. The male brain is bigger as it has to accommodate a bigger body mass and is about ten percent larger than a female brain and gives men more processing power. This does not mean, however, that the male is smarter. Here are some other interesting facts on the male and female brain.

More in touch with their feelings

Males are wired a little differently from females in that they are left brain, meaning men have good mathematical skills, are more task oriented, more aware of danger and the need to protect, whereas women are right brain and score high on intuition and emotional intelligence. They are better at communicating things, better at resolving emotional matters, and more in touch with their feelings. They talk through their problems and the issues they have. Men have difficulty picking up on the nuances and they miss the cues and deal with matters in a more businesslike way.

Two areas of the female brain that are larger and deal with language

To give you an example: a man may be able to head the planning to put a man on the moon, but he cannot write a love note to his wife. He is just helpless when it comes to the softer side of a woman. He is the hunter, the warrior, the man who brings home the bacon. His ‘defend your turf ‘ area in the brain is larger in the male brain and his alarm system for danger is also larger in men. These brain differences make men more alert and prepared for a threat. Women are different. They can naturally bond and get in sync with other women. The woman is the one who has to use her softer side to resolve things. In women there are two areas of the brain that deal with language and that are larger than the male brain and they can process language in both hemispheres. The male only has a single brain half. Still, when it comes to the extraordinariness of the brain the biggest difference between the two brains is that men have a ‘sexual pursuit area’ that is 2.5 times greater than the one in the female brain.


When the man you've lived with for thirty years asks you for a divorce

When a couple has lived together for thirty years in relative harmony with the usual things that come along in life and has managed to raise responsible and successful children and enjoying some of the fruits of life, leaving a marriage is not that easy and one has to ask why, and if there is something that can save it. It is not one or two years that you have lived together and navigated with your partner through life; it is thirty years. Thirty years with someone in the same house, the same bed, sometimes even the same line of work, is a long time and should be carefully considered before making a rash decision.

Reasons for wanting to leave

In some cases where men feel they are getting older they want a young woman who can jump through hoops and relive some of those early years where he thinks it will be that easy to leave a partner of thirty years; there is history between you. You know each other’s moods, you know his smell, his breath in the morning, his wants and needs and it is a foolish man who leaves a partner and thinks the bouncy new secretary in his office who has complimented him and made advances is going to stay with him until the end of his days. He is almost sixty, arthritis and osteoporosis and other ailments are around the corner if not already wearing at his bones.

The relationship has gone stale

If the reason for wanting to break up your marriage is just because the bloom is off the rose think carefully. Your grown up children will balk at your decision. Their mother will be alone. You would have abandoned her just because of age. If it is sex you want like you had in your early years, speak to her about it. Read some books together on how to rekindle your marriage. Go and watch porn if that is what you want to do. If your reasons are weak for leaving and you are making this decision just because you want to feel young again, clean up your own appearance and thinking first, and ask yourself if that girl is going to be there for you when you are ill at seventy five years of age. Remember, it takes two people to tango. If one has forgotten the steps, it is easy to take a few lessons. It would be easier than starting all over again and a month later realize that you have made a mistake.
