Jan 21, 2012

My daughter’s personal hair loss story

 My daughter said she once believed that it was a natural part of life to lose some hair as you aged. Only men lost hair was the thinking; women didn’t have to worry until after menopause – and by that point losing your hair would be the norm. However, she started losing her hair by the time she was thirty at a rapid rate. She had lustrous hair, and thick, and never worried when hair would fall out due to brushing or blow drying.

One day she noticed more hair left behind in the brush. She thought it was because she was using a new shampoo. She changed the shampoo but the problem persisted and she would notice hair on her arms and shoulders. It got to a point where a strand of hair felt like the heaviest thing in the world because it was a reminder that she was losing her hair and fast. She would see bald spots at the front of her crown. When she put her hair in a pony tail the elastic band would slide out on its own because of its new sparseness. She couldn't let this go on and had to find a solution.

Getting to the Root of the Problem

She started reading every piece of information on hair loss. She went to dermatologists, family doctors, acupuncturists, naturopaths, the whole nine yards. She was given various shampoos, steroid creams and treatments which only made matters worse. Her scalp was now sore as well. Everyday felt worse than the day before until she noticed that she lost more hair after eating certain foods. She hooked onto a new soy food kick and bought a lot of foods that contained it. It was a healthy alternative to eating red meat she thought. She found that soy was one of the worst allergens.

She then read about the damage of sugar and found out that certain sugar foods were making her scalp sore and causing hair to fall out. It was so hard for her to give up these sugar foods because she lived on them and would exercise every second night just so she wouldn't feel guilty about indulging in ice-cream before bedtime She needed a good book to keep her on track, and found it. Within a week, her scalp stopped hurting, her hair stopped falling out and the skin on her forehead and face started to feel softer.

She started to use fragrant-free shampoo and soaps and toiletry products and reversed her hair loss by making proactive changes in her life. She didn't accept this hair condition because of her age and warns against miracle drugs and shampoos and advise that you look for natural solutions. Get your information from the right sources. Information is everything. Stay on the right path with the right information. Leave a comment if you have anything to add or have any questions.

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