Apr 10, 2012

Profile of an alcoholic

• He claims that he is not an alcoholic and knows when to stop. He in fact drinks until he is wasted and cannot stand anymore.

• He claims that he knows his limits and only drinks one drink at a party or an event. He drinks until the last drop is gone. Remember, alcoholics are liars. They will do anything for that high.

• He claims that he knows he must stop soon and that he will. He knows nothing about the danger of the disease. Alcoholism can never be cured; just like a gambling addiction, it can only be arrested. An addict will have to arrest his addiction every day of his life, which is hard, but he must do it. He cannot let another drink pass his lips.

• He claims that he can stop any time that he wants and is not an addict. He does not slur, he says, fall over, or act ridiculous in front of people. That might be so because he has good control, but does not make him a normal drinker – someone who can take or leave alcohol, does not drink every day, and does not have the urge to drink constantly.

• Alcoholics have troubled families at home waiting for them. Their lives are upside down and children are witnesses and dragged through the abuse.

• An alcoholic progressively gets worse as he craves the same high and drinks more and more to maintain it. However, just because a drinker can stay away from alcohol for two or three weeks at a time, does not mean that he does not make up for it with binge drinking where he has a weekend with his buddies and a bath full of whiskey.

• An alcoholic is always looking to borrow money which he promises to repay at the end of the week but never does.


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