May 17, 2012

Deconstructing online article writing

When it all comes down to it, article writing, in plain words, is slave labor for cents with your wholehearted approval. Being one of the online writers you are hooked on the slow movement upwards of cents and there is some kind of perverted pleasure in waking up the following morning and seeing that the site you write for has given you three cents overnight. Wow! What a prize. But you are so addicted to the whole process that even when you do realize that you can earn more money packing shelves at the supermarket, you still can’t stop. I’m one of those addicts, addicted to the writing process since childhood. So it must be obvious to you, the reader that this is not for the money. We would starve if we looked at it to pay for a bag of groceries let alone the rent.

What is in it for writers?

A huge feeling of satisfaction because you are doing something which can potentially help people who need advice in all areas of their life, including marriage, dating, religion, relationships, society, culture and can virtually write about anything you want to know more about. If you are not a technical writer there are a whole lot of categories you can peruse and investigate. If you do this every day you see other people’s writing style, how they interpret certain things, how they deal with a problem and the advice they would give to friends. In all this mix of writers there are specialists, doctors, psychologists and people who do this because they feel good that they are helping someone out there. It is a do it yourself volunteering situation and more and more writers are doing it.

Homemade psychology

Another advantage of online writing is that you don’t have to be in an office and can be anywhere with your laptop; in a cafĂ©, in the library, in your bedroom or office, or sitting under a tree. If you want to write about God, the environment, how to successfully date a man or get rid of one you can write 400, 500 and 1000 word articles to be published on the net. Some new writers looking to hone their craft learn how to write better in a familiar online environment. They pose questions and write answers and comments. One of the questions posed today by a young woman and answered almost by twenty writers, was what she should do about her mother who favors her sister and makes her feel insignificant. It was interesting, depending on the culture, to see the comments which were given. Not all sites have comments and answers, but at MyLot you can go haywire with all the subjects to write about.

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