Jul 14, 2012

Email etiquette training

It is amazing that in this day and age we have evolved from the rickety typewriter to computers and the internet, and we still do not practice email etiquette when the writing business is easier than ever given the fact that we have everything at our fingertips. The email has made for speedy communication, but we have lost the common touch. We have become lazy and a little slack in our etiquette and perhaps a company training session can set things right. We are all guilty of speeding through correspondence and not signing letters.

Common email etiquette

• When writing an email to a business owner, when you reply, do it on your letterhead where you will feel guilty if you don’t lay it out properly. You will have your address and details on the letter, your reference line, your digital signature, and this will show the recipient that the writer is businesslike and cognizant of how to deal with people in the corporate world. In other words, you are not treating his business like a bubble gum shop.

• Do not write someone a letter all in capital letters. Capital letters indicate that it is urgent or you are angry or you do not care. Check all your emails for spelling and grammar and sign it before sending it off. An email is a passport to your character and people can read between the lines for the kind of person you are.

• Write an email the same way you would write a letter to the Queen for an invitation to Buckingham Palace. End if off with yours faithfully if it is a business, yours sincerely, or just sincerely. Never use the words yours lovingly in a letter unless there is something you didn’t tell.

• Have a training class for your employees that not only teach them email training but also etiquette on how to deal with clients and staff.
• Always check that you use the right email addresses in correspondence and that you do not end up on someone else's site where all your personal mail is transferred to.

• Don’t have emoticons in your emails; no one laughs or smiles or thinks they are funny anymore. Let an email be an email whose job it is to never break down and serve us happily by delivering our mail speedily.

• Don’t use the email to write about your friend’s marriage or adultery or anything personal or emotional that needs a counselor rather than someone who should go on working on whatever project she was busy with. The email is for quick missives and important things.

• Never send someone a chain letter which states that if the receiver does not follow the instructions of the letter that something ominous might happen in a few days. These letters invoke guilt and unnecessary fear.

• Always end your letter with a few words like best regards or something you can think of before sending it off.


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