Jul 28, 2012

Forty the best time for a single woman

What I would not give to be forty again. When I was nine I fell in love with Elvis Presley in Jailhouse Rock and wished I could meet him. When I was sixteen I wished I was grown up and could travel the world. I traveled the world and had many adventures. When I reached forty and got divorce papers served on me in bed my life changed. I had two kids to support, a job in a downtown office, and a mountain of problems – and no man. I learned hard and fast that I was not cut out for marriage, I was selfish with my time, and accepted it. Today I am 65 and wish the clock would stop as I have never enjoyed my life as much as I am enjoying it now. Why? – because I am single, the kids are married, the husbands have fled and for the first time I am truly the master of my own domain. Forty wakes you up. If you haven’t learned anything by forty you never will.

Sense and sensibility

Forty is also a great time for women. Women are looking after their bodies, toning up, are more conscious of their sexuality, and are more evolved. They are not afraid to go out by themselves and will go alone to a cinema and sit happily with a box of popcorn and have no feelings of guilt. At forty she knows what she wants; a quality friendship or relationship; someone she can walk with and talk with and say goodbye at the end of the date. At forty women have come out of bad relationships and are more honest as to what they want.

Benefits of being single at 40

• You are free to do what you want. No one tells you that your job or your writing is a worthless waste of time and makes you feel bad.
• You are your own boss and can have friendships with as many people as you want not worrying that your partner might not like it.
• You can cook what you feel like eating, order in, or go out.
• You can decide to do some night courses at a local university to further your studies.
• You can go out with your girlfriends at night, or go for a weekend retreat; you do not have to ask anyone.
• Forty is also a great time for a woman as she is at the height of her passion, knows what she wants, knows what the man wants, knows how to read him, and does not play games as that is what a lot of young women do.
• A woman of forty is experienced, has paid her dues, is not squeamish about sex and is not afraid to discuss it. Forty is not old. It is the new 65.


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